Publications by the Project MERCURY team
Bes, P., Willet, R., Poblome, J., & Brughmans, T. (2018). Inventory of Crafts and Trade in the Roman East (ICRATES): database of tableware.
Bes, P., Brughmans, T., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., & Romanowska, I. (2020). Ceramics in Cities in Context. An Overview of Published Roman Imperial to Umayyad Pottery in the Southern Levant. In A. Lichtenberger & R. Raja (Eds.), Hellenistic and Roman Gerasa. The archaeology and history of a Decapolis city. Jerash papers 5 (pp. 55–118). Brepols publishers.
Brughmans, T. (2020). Evaluating the potential of computational modelling for informing debates on Roman economic integration. In K. Verboven (Ed.), Complexity Economics. Building a New Approach to Ancient Economic History. Palgrave Studies in Ancient Economies (pp. 105–123). Palgrave Macmillan.
Brughmans, T. (2022). Why simulate Roman economies? In T. Brughmans & A. I. Wilson (Eds.), Simulating Roman Economies. Theories, Methods and Computational Models (pp. 3–36). Oxford University Press.
Brughmans, T., & Pecci, A. (2020). An inconvenient truth. Evaluating the impact of amphora reuse through computational simulation modelling. In C. Duckworth & A. Wilson (Eds.), Recycling and reuse in the Roman economy. Oxford studies on the Roman economy (pp. 191–234). Oxford University Press.
Brughmans, T., & Peeples, M. A. (2019). Spatial networks. In P. Hacigüzeller, G. Lock, & M. Gillings (Eds.), Archaeological spatial analysis. Routledge.
Brughmans, T., & Poblome, J. (2017). The case for computational modelling of the Roman economy: a reply to Van Oyen. Antiquity, 91(359), 1364–1366.
Brughmans, T., & Poblome, J. (2016). Roman bazaar or market economy? Explaining tableware distributions through computational modelling. Antiquity, 90(350), 393–408.
Brughmans, T., & Poblome, J. (2016). MERCURY: an agent-based model of tableware trade in the Roman East. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 19(1),
Brughmans, T., & Wilson, A. I. (2022). Simulating Roman economies. Theories, methods and computational models. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford University Press.
Brughmans, T., Carrignon, S., & Romanowska, I. (2018). Artificial economies: Computational simulation of product preference theories for explaining Jerash ceramic assemblages. In Rubina Raja (Ed.), Ceramics in Context Status Report 2015-2018 (pp. 56–57).
Brughmans, T., Hanson, J. W., Mandich, M. J., Romanowska, I., Rubio-Campillo, X., Carrignon, S., Collins-Elliott, S., Crawford, K., Daems, D., Fulminante, F., de Haas, T., Kelly, P., Moreno Escobar, M. del C., Paliou, E., & Ritondale, M. (2019). Formal modelling approaches to complexity science in Roman Studies: a manifesto. Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal, 2, 1–19.
Carrignon, S., Brughmans, T., & Romanowska, I. (2020). Tableware trade in the Roman East: Exploring cultural and economic transmission with agent-based modelling and approximate Bayesian computation. PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0240414.
Carrignon, S., Brughmans, T., & Romanowska, I. (2022). Copying of economic strategies in eastern Mediterranean inter-regional tableware trade. In T. Brughmans & A. Wilson (Eds.), Simulating Roman Economies. Theories, Methods and Computational Models (pp. 144–166). Oxford University Press.
Graham, S., Brughmans, T., & Romanowska, I. (2022). On Building FORVM: Making Our Research On The Roman Economy Playable...and Fun. In G. McKee & D. Wolin (Eds.), Re-Rolling the Past: Representations and Reinterpretations of Antiquity in Analog and Digital Games. ISAW Papers 22.3.
Hanson, J. W., & Brughmans, T. (2022). Settlement scale and economic networks in the Roman Empire. In T. Brughmans & A. I. Wilson (Eds.), Simulating Roman Economies. Theories, Methods and Computational Models (pp. 109–143). Oxford University Press.
Kanters, H., Brughmans, T., & Romanowska, I. (2021). Sensitivity analysis in archaeological simulation: An application to the MERCURY model. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38(April), 102974.
Romanowska, I., Brughmans, T., Lichtenberger, A., & Raja, R. (2018). Urban networks seen through ceramics: Formal modelling approaches to pottery distribution in Jerash. In R. Raja & S. M. Sindbæk (Eds.), Urban network evolutions. Towards a high definition archaeology (pp. 131–137). Aarhus University Press.
Romanowska, I., Brughmans, T., Bes, P., Carrignon, S., Egelund, L., Lichtenberger, A., & Raja, R. (2021). A Study of the Centuries-Long Reliance on Local Ceramics in Jerash Through Full Quantification and Simulation. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.